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All-round crane service
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Warm-hearted Enterprise ChiDeh Chairman Mr. Hu, Han-Yen donates patrol car to Hsin-Chen Community, Baoshan County.
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ChiDeh stand with medical ! Donated 600,000 NTD and more than 30,000 N95 masks!
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Biggest mobil crane 1200T arrived Nanfang'ao. Making an exception for breaking down the bridge and shorten the journey by 5 hours through the Hsuehshan Tunnel
The county government and enterprises sign a memorandum of cooperation to make disaster resecue more effective in Hsinchu County
"Chinese New Year, Charity, Love" Hundreds of disadvantaged households in Hsinchu to warm their hearts in a good year
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Introduced the only Liebherr 800-ton crawler crane in Taiwan
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Vestas wind turbine transportation and installation
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